In the last year, physical working Quantum Computers have been built and made available for the end users. Such devices, working under the rules of Quantum Mechanics, can only apply a finite set of one/two qubit operations that form a universal set of gates. Single qubit gates are fault-tolerant, while the same cannot be said for two qubit gates. Hence, unitary matrices adopted in Quantum Algorithms must be synthesized in terms of this universal set of operations to obtain a quantum circuit. This synthesis procedure, however, is not constraint-free. In fact, we prefer circuits with minimum number of qubits and with minimum circuit depth. Clifford+T universal set is one of the most adopted in the literature for synthesis. In such set we have 3 single qubit gates and the CNOT, which is a two qubit gate. Many efforts have been directed to devise algorithms that synthesize general unitary matrices into Clifford+T circuits. These algorithms usually tend to optimize circuit depth or eventually the number of T gates. Since two qubit gates are not fault tolerant, in this work we propose an ASP based technique to minimize the number of CNOT gates inside a Clifford+T circuit. We start from a SAT encoding of the problem, and we translate it into an ASP model over a graph, by first working with a generic graph, and then by adopting the structure of a layered DAG. We provide experimental evidence of the scalability of our proposal.