Fondamenti dell’informatica. Linguaggi formali, calcolabilità e complessità

Ogni disciplina scientifica si definisce pienamente nel momento in cui viene delimitata da una teoria in grado di evidenziarne i limiti e le potenzialità. Per l’informatica ciò avvenne negli anni trenta del xx secolo, in un effervescente panorama …

Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations

On Sets and Graphs: Perspectives on Logic and Combinatorics

A 25 Year Perspective on Logic Programming. Achievements of the Italian Association for Logic Programming, GULP

Computing in Non Standard Set Theories

Set Theory for Computing. From Decision Procedures to Declarative Programming with Sets

Encoding logical theories of programs

Nowadays, in many critical situations (such as on-board software), it is manda-tory to certify programs and systems, that is, to prove formally that they meet their specifications. To this end, many logics and formal systems have been proposed for …