Combining static and dynamic analysis for the verification of Information Flow Security in Concurrent Programs

Unwinding conditions provide a general framework for the definition of security properties. They basically depend on the operational semantics and on the (low level) observational equivalence of the specification language under consideration. Hence, …

Tolque: A Tool for Algorithmic Algebraic Model Checking

Proceedings of COMETA 2003

Proceedings of the Workshop COMETA Computational Metamodels

MERLIN '03 Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable Binding 2003 Wokshop (co-located with ICFP and PPDP 2003 Conferences)

Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science on FOSSACS 2001

TOSCA 2001

Proceedings of FOSSACS 2001

Modal Logic and Set Theory: a Set-Theoretic Interpretation of Modal Logic Liber Amicorum for the Fiftieth Birthday of J. F. A. K. van Benthem